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South Cambridgeshire District Council is the Data Controller and registered with the Information Commissioner’s Office.

We need your personal data to assess your application for the Community Lifeline Service.

We process your personal data because you are preparing to enter into a contract with us, or are in a contract with us to provide a paid for service. You have rights over the information that you provide us, such as access and correction. For full details of these rights, please refer to our website.

We share information within the Council to ensure services are provided appropriately. We may share your personal data with other agencies if the law tell us we have to.

We may process the information you provide to prevent and detect fraud in any of our systems and may supply information to e.g., government agencies or credit reference agencies to do this. We participate in the Government’s National Fraud Initiative.

We also share your information, under contract with a third party provider, which is responsible for managing the technology.

We only keep your information as long as necessary, or in line with the law. You can find out more by looking at the Council’s Retention Policy on the web site.

We do not routinely process any information about you outside the European Economic Area (EEA), except in rare cases, where we use all appropriate safeguards.

More information about how we handle your data is on our website. This includes contact details for the Data Protection Officer and the regulator, the Information Commissioner’s Office.

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